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Short Stories

Out of the Blue: Unforeseen Consequences

Strangely the mystery of the ‘flying video’ was never solved, not even by the Flying Squad who were unable to come to a conclusion despite spending two days studying the material very thoroughly. But just as a stone thrown into a pond sends out ripples, so that simple gift from James Peabody had set off a chain reaction that altered people’s lives forever. Prunella Attrill was surprised but pleased when Dr Attrill strode manfully home that night carrying a pair… Read More »Out of the Blue: Unforeseen Consequences

Out of the Blue: Miss Iris Witherspoon & the Vicar

As it happened Miss Iris Witherspoon was walking along the path that was the other side of the hedge. It was ten years since she had retired as headmistress of a small school in Cheshire, where her life had been one long innocent ramble through childhood not extending beyond the school gates. Now she had achieved her dearest ambition and bought a stone cottage in a quiet unassuming village in Dorset. She was just thinking how kind it was of… Read More »Out of the Blue: Miss Iris Witherspoon & the Vicar

Out of the Blue: Dr Attrill

The respected Dr Attrill settled back into his first-class seat on a train heading to Waterloo. He adjusted his spectacles, opened his briefcase and drew out a copy of the Times. As he was closing the case he caught sight of the small parcel wrapped in plain brown paper and felt uneasy. Dr Attrill had been attending a medical conference in Plymouth. The subject matter was obscure and he found the coffee and cold buffet more enjoyable than anything else.… Read More »Out of the Blue: Dr Attrill